The Power Of Your Profile 6 years ago

Hey Brand Ambassadors! Let’s talk for a second about the power of your profile! You’re profile is your online resume. It is meant to highlight you and all you have to offer our clients brands. So that means you want to make sure your profile is as powerful as you! Make it shine! Make our clients want to hire you because they know you would be the perfect reflection of their brand.

Here’s some pointers on how to create a powerful profile that helps get you hired! 

  1. Make sure the first image our clients see is one with a smile from ear to ear. We’re not looking for your best Kim K shot! Just all natural you with a warm inviting smile that screams, Hey! I’m as friendly as they come. Everyone wants to talk to me!
  2. Spend time on your bio friends. Our clients want to hire you because they want to work with brand ambassadors that emulate their brands message. They want to get to know you and what you’re all about. Tell them about your special skills, degrees, hobbies, what motivates you to rock every event. Let em know! 
  3. Add images of you in action. Make sure that they show your energy, you engaging consumers and you shining bright like a diamond!
  4. Make sure every single field in your profile is filled out. That means stats. Because what if there is a costume for a gig that requires a certain height. That means up-to-date images. Because a client doesn’t want to see what you looked like 5 years ago when you had red hair cut in a, then, trendy hairstyle. That means your experience section show the most recent events you’ve worked. Because that shows, YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE! 
  5. Let’s touch on your experience section one last time. Did we mention experience shows that you have experience! If you leave this area empty, there’s a very high chance your profile will be looked over. Clients want to know you’ve been there done that. That you’ve been hired time and time again by other amazing brands because you’re a kick butt BA. Show them this is not your first rodeo!

We are not saying this to create content on our social media pages. We are telling you this so you get hired! So, take our advice!! Do everything we listed above as well as execute each and every event your are booked for with exceptional professionalism and you will see the bookings come rolling in!

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