Helpful Tips for Event Staff! 7 years ago

A quick blog to send you into the weekend!

Have you ever wondered why you weren't the person selected to work that promotional gig? We want to help you get hired! So, we have created this blog with a few bullet points to help ensure you're the model that the staff member just can't wait to work with!

-Make sure you include your most recent work experience. If you are new to promotional modeling, include work experience where you've worked directly with people! Staffing Agencies want to make sure that the person hired is a "people's person" and can connect with strangers.

-Always, always include some pictures of yourself. Make sure they are current and appropriate. It should be the best representation of you!

-Remember, you are selling yourself! In the bio about yourself, include any special skills/assets that set you above the rest! 

-Make sure you are professional and likeable. Use spell check. Use correct punctuation. Professionalism is a must, in this line of work. 

Here's a check list, for when you're hired for an event!

-Make sure you are put together: clean hair, natural makeup, fresh smell. Clothing and shoes should look new.

-Always be on time! This is huge. Early is better than late. You'll have a much better chance of being rehired 😉

-Smile, be personable, and know your product! People should want to talk to you! 

-Respect all other staff you are working with. 

-Leave your phone in your purse. 

-Don't bring in anything that could be lost or stolen.

These suggestions are for: Brand Ambassadors, Promotional Models, Trade Show Models, and any other staff working an event. Hope everyone uses it!

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