Let's Rethink Our Norm To Find Our New Norm 4 years ago

brand ambassadors experiential staffing https://ceastaffing.com/

XQ, one of our longtime clients, has been challenging society to rethink our education system for years now. Since their launch in 2015, they have been working to transform our education system into one that meets the needs of all of our youth. XQ’s Super Schools offer free tools and materials that can be used by communities who want to change their schools. They are continuously pushing for a more creative and innovative education system that will aid in the success of all students.

Today, the way we live our lives is being challenged. We are no longer able to execute our regular routines and life is far from the normal we once knew. It is time that we get creative and innovative with our most basic activities. Whether this means setting up a workspace at home or planning a Zoom party to see friends, we have to do whatever it takes to create a new routine. Life continues even with all of this uncertainty, and if we all play our part, we will be back to our new normal soon. 

So, let’s use XQ as an example. Just as they are pushing our education system’s boundaries, let’s push the boundaries we have set for ourselves. CEA challenges you to join us as we get creative and rethink our norm, to find our new norm. What changes do you see coming? How will you prepare yourself for these changes? What ideas, creations, motivation will you share with the world? What solutions have you thought of? It’s time to rethink friends. 

Follow us on Instagram as we challenge our CEA fam to get creative and inspire each other to create our new norm! Let’s share thoughts, resources, support each other and have some fun! See you there!

cea staffing instagram

And don’t forget, we are all in this together! Stay healthy and positive!



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